Saturday, July 23, 2011

Yes, I'm still pregnant

39 weeks and one day and still no baby! I've been seeing signs that could mean it'll be soon... or not. We'll just have to see. I have a scheduled induction for August 5th or 6th (most likely the 6th). I'll know next Wednesday at my appointment for sure. I'm really praying hard I won't have to be induced since there are so many drawbacks to taking that road. Obviously, as long as he's safe and happy then I'm happy, but it would be so much better if my body could just go into labor naturally without having to go through all the medication and interventions that are involved in inductions. The only happy thing about being induced is that would mean my mom and dad would be here for the birth since they arrive on August 5th! So fun. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying the last few days of just Andrew and I. Funny to think we've had 10 months of our marriage alone and we'll be at least 40, probably more, the next time it's just the two of us again. God has crazy plans that I never would have guessed in a million years. But they're perfect!

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