A quick little update:
Had a doctor's appointment yesterday that went well except for a couple issues. Apparently, on the last ultrasound I had a couple weeks ago, the baby's femur and abdomen circumference measured quite small for gestational age. This could just be the way he is, but it could also signal some problems with the placenta or another unknown issue. In my second trimester ultrasound he was 50th percentile and he's now dropped to 17th percentile, which concerned my doctor (and Andrew and I). So the next step is I'll be having another ultrasound tomorrow morning to see if he is still small and showing signs of not growing like he should. If that's the case, a few things may come of that. Probably more tests to see what's going on with the placenta, possibly delivering at another nearby hospital with a neonatal intensive care unit (the naval hospital does not have one) and most likely coming in twice a week until delivery to be monitored for 20 minutes or so to make sure the baby is still doing alright.
It's funny, when I used to hear about other parents dealing with little issues like this throughout their pregnancy, I was sympathetic, but a part of me often thought they were just being paranoid. I've discovered it's completely different when it's your own kid. Even if there is a 1% chance that they might not be alright, it's hard not to focus on that 1% and want to demand the attention of every doctor in the area to figure out what's wrong. Prayers for me (and Andrew, but this is more my department) to stay worry-free and trust the Lord on this would be appreciated. Also that the doctors can figure out what's wrong, if anything, quickly.
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